Jasper has an extensive background in Bodywork, Tantra, Massage, Breathwork, De-armouring, Trauma release and Emotional release. Starting in 2012 with different forms of massage, extensive experience in Latin dance, Tantra & Bodywork, he found his passion in healing people from their trauma and unlock the body of energetic blockages. After in depth studies of different modalities of De-armouring and Trauma release, he started giving professional de-armouring sessions in 2016.
Through the years Jasper also experienced the healing powers of different plant medicines (Psilocybin, San Pedro, Ayahuasca) and added this to his toolbox in healing others as well.
Through these studies and experiences he has an tremendous amount of knowledge on how to unlock the human body to it's natural state of bliss and relaxation. His to-the-point and all-in approach helps people to dive deep into their process and get a full-on healing experience.
Bodywork sessions
Next to the workshops Jasper gives at Tantra Secrets, he specialized in private bodywork sessions where he can also combine the healing powers of plant medicine with all his knowledge on de-armouring, bodywork and breath work.
Jasper co-facilitates in the following workshops
- Tantric Massage & De-armouring (lead facilitator with Roger)
- Tantra into Zouk
- Kundalini Shakti Awakening Retreat
- Emotional Mastery & Consciouness Expansion