Below you will find sharings from people who have attended the Tantra Secrets workshops and how they feel about it.
For privacy reasons we have changed their names.

Consciousness Expansion &
Emotional Intelligence - Intensive

"This workshop is brilliant. Even though I attended many Tantric and spiritual workshops I learned lots of life changers. It's a magic combination between scientific and self-experienced methods by Roger and a lovely and welcoming energy field build up by him and the team. I really felt how important it is to climb up the ladder of different levels of consciousness for each individual. After 6 months I can say I integrated a lot of his input in my life. It really helps me going through these challenging times by having true roots and knowing there is this place near Amsterdam where I can get new input when I need it."
~ Chris

“This weekend was the perfect wake-up call! Even though I have been a psychologist for 12 years, the workshop gave me deeper insight in my emotions, my dysfunctional behaviour patterns and helped me to release a lot of unnecessary stress from my body. After I felt tired but also much lighter and more in control of my life. This was just what I needed 🙏🏻”
~ Heather

“Roger is the best spiritual lead facilitator I've ever had. He guided me through a process of feeling from the heart rather than thinking with the analytical mind. This process moved me into a different consciousness; compassionate self-forgiveness, love and acceptance of myself and others. It cleared away what I no longer needed and gave me the insight and opportunity to create a new chapter of my life.”
~ Linda

“During this workshop I released a lot of old trauma and emotions, which helped me to feel more free. I also gained useful insights into my own emotions and how emotions work and I learned many helpful tools to constructively deal with emotions as they arise.”

~ Mark

Awakening Polarity workshops

“The polarity weekends have changed intimacy for me forever. I actually got the tools to know how to create it, and I got to learn all about expressing my needs and desires and setting boundaries in such a way that I can create interactions where both partners feel safe and satisfied. This way we can both go so much deeper in intimacy than I thought was possible ”

Wheel of Consent workshops
“The Wheel of Consent gave me deep understanding of my own behavioral patterns (always serving others) and my challenges (to speak up for my desires). In the polarity workshops I learned hands on tools, not only to speak up for my desires but also how to practice this in soft conscious and loving domination and surrender. Very useful in so many aspects of my life!”

~ Terese

“The Wheel of Consent showed me my shadows, where they came from, and how to heal them.

I also learned to own my desires and to effectively communicate regarding boundaries and desires.“
~ Jeffrey

Tantric Massage & De-armouring workshop

“It helped me express my emotions in a way I never did before. Don’t remember when I cried so long last time and expressed anger physically in this way. This workshop helped me to drop some of my baggage” and continue in my journey a bit lighter 💗

I also enjoyed the laughter, togetherness, vulnerability. What was happening during the 3 days also helped me to challenge myself in how freely I can express myself.”
~ Isabella