Conscious Connections
An Online Course for Couples
Dive deeper into your Relationship
Fact is that Relationships are one of the best ways to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Another one is that almost all Relationships change after a while in some way.
You get used to each other, get more comfortable, might know almost everything about the other, feel a deep connection,
but more often then not at the same time...
the interest diminishes, the desire gets weaker, you don't know what to do together, trigger each other and fight and just sometimes realize that...
The Spark just isn't the same as it was.
Have you ever....
realized that the sex just isn't that great anymore?
had difficulities connecting or trusting each other?
felt as if you were playing some kind of game?
noticed that you were having less sex than at the beginning of the relationship?
had trouble falling asleep without having sex or after an argument?
wondered if your relationship is falling apart?
Dear Sister, have you ever...
had difficulties opening up during sex or getting wet?
felt as if you were giving everything you could and it still wasn't enought?
felt as if you have to endure it and couldn't stop it?
felt as if your partner wasn't hearing you?
realized your needs are not being met and you are internally unsatisfied and unhappy?
desired more heart connection during sex?
felt uncomfortable naked in front of your partner?
Dear Brother, have you ever...
went soft just before sex or had difficulties staying hard?
masturbated in secret, keeping it from your partner?
felt shame about your darkest desires?
felt ashamed because of looking at another woman while in a relationship?
struggeled to understand your woman?
cuddled without wanting sex?
If any of these resonate with you, then we have good news for you:
You are very normal!
Most people recognise themselves in most of the above, so unfortunately an unsatisfactory Relationship is extremly common....
Shame and Guilt
Most people try living a happy life by working and thinking, at the same time they avoid their feelings. To reconnect with their feelings they would have to open their hearts again. But with this comes the fear of abandonement and getting hurt. This complicates Relationships and Sex Life. It's not about 2 people connecting anymore, it's just about 2 bodies without their souls looking for fullfilement of their needs and relaxation.
Our negative Beliefs and Patterns in regards to Sexuality and Relationships usually originate in our Early Childhood. At that time most of us discover the Feelings of Shame and Guilt in connection to Sex, Nudity and Masturbation. Most of us additionaly didn't have the best rolemodels to learn from, our parents, relatives and the media being our teachers. These Programming stay with us for our whole life unless we uncover them and transform.
The missing piece
Relationships have the Power to let you grow in more ways then imaginable, they trigger you, make you emotional, let you expirience new highs and lows and most importantly give you the possiblity to learn of and feel love.
A truly fulfiled relationship is the most beautiful thing, but that is usually not the case. There is still something missing...
Next Online Masterclass
6 - 27 April
Next Online Teasers
4 March, 30 March
19.00 - 20.30 CET / 13.00 - 14.30 EST
Wiktoria & Sebastian
Price per Couple
€ 430,-
This Online Masterclass is for
❤ New Couples wanting to start of with a Deep Connection and passionate Couples wanting to go even Deeper
❤ Hetero- and Homosexual Couples
The Masculine and Feminine Polarities live inside of every one of us.
❤ Friends with Benefits, Couples in Monogamous, Polyamorous and Open and Long Distance Relationships
We have experience with all of these.
❤ Fighting, unhappy, jealous couples or ones on the verge of breaking up
Bring back Trust and Safety to your Connection!
❤ Stay at Home Parents, Long time partners, Retired couples
And all other Couples that want to liven things up.
❤ Couples curious about Domination, Surrender, Sexuality and Spirituality
❤ Close friends that want to dig deeper
The Basis for all Relationships is the same.
❤ Single Participants, that want to learn more
You will have to skip the couple exercieses.
Topics include
🌿 Feeling and Creating more Safety
🌿 Overcoming shame, guilt and anxiety
🌿 Learning about the different Relationship Types, ways of Touch and Pleasure
🌿 Enhancing your Pleasure Capacity
🌿 Feeling the Connection of Safety to Relaxation
🌿 Bringing your Relationship to a New Deeper Level
🌿 Life-changing tools for your Relationship
🌿 Applying the Tools into your Daily Love Life
🌿 The Wheel of Consent©
🌿 Radical Honesty Tools
🌿 Personal, emotional & spiritual development
🌿 Rediscovering yourself as a Couple
🌿 Uncovering Patterns from your Childhood
🌿 Falling in Love all over again
🌿 Manifesting your combined Dreams and Goals
🌿 Learning about Communication, Consent and Boundries
🌿 Connecting to your Partner
🌿 Expiriencing the feeling of Total Safety, Relaxation and Trust
🌿 Awakening your natural Sexuality
Practical Program Details
Edition 6 - 27 April
Life-changing tools for your Relationship in the Safety of your Home
Professional guided process
4 online 3 hr sessions every Thursday
12 hours in total
19.00 - 22.00 CET / 13.00 - 16.00 EST
Q & A included
Daily contact with Wiktoria & Sebastian and the Group via Group Chat
Weekly Tasks and Exercises to complete at home
Recorded sessions up until 1 month after Program
Integration Check In Call 1 Month af†er the Masterclass
Each class consists of theory, practice and discovery, sharings, questions and answers and integration.
Price and Discounts
Price € 430,-
€ 50,- Early Bird Discount when registered 2 months before start date of workshop
€ 25,- Early Bird Discount when registered 1 month before start date of workshop
€ 50,- Students / Low Income Discount
€ 30,- Bring another Couple Discount
€ 100,- when booked directly with another Online Couples Course by Wiktoria and Sebastian
Payment options availabe, see further below
Ready to rediscover each other?
Then join Conscious Connections!
Next Online Teasers
4 March, 30 March
19.00 - 20.30 CET / 13.00 - 14.30 EST
Keep Reading and check the FAQ below or Plan a Free Exploration Call!
Read this slowly please and let every sentence sink in...
🌿 We can only feel deep pleasure when we are relaxed.
🌿 We can only be relaxed when we feel safe on a conscious and subconscious level.
🌿 Therefore, Safety is the foundation of pleasure, because if we don't feel safe, our body will not relax to it's full capacity.
🌿 In order to feel deep safety, we need to be in Consent.
🌿 If consent is not crystal clear, a part of our central nervous system remains on alert. This prevents us from stepping into our full pleasure capacity.
🌿 In order to be in Consent, we need to become a Master at speaking up for ourselves and our boundaries.
🌿 Once that is in place, Magic, Pleasure & Bliss will unfold.
🌿 With it will come a dramatic improvement of your capacity to give and receive Love......
Good News
Whether you are good or a not so good at speaking up about your Boundaries or creating a Safe Space in your Relationship you can improve! Every body can learn how to be together on the basis of the Key ingredients for a Conscios Connection.
For some people this process is fast, for others a bit slower. Ultimately how quick it goes does not matter. What matters is that you can enhance your Connection because it is a natural part of being Human!
And wether this is the first time you are working on this, or an experienced practitioner, you will undoubtedly come away with valuable tools for your Personal, Emotional & Spiritual development as a Couple and Invidual!
It's time to let the bring Trust and Safety back into your Relationship and Life!
Learn about each other!
Your deepest desires and fantasies
Your fears and boundaries
Potential Masterclass Benefits
🌿 increased capacity to feel and experience love
🌿 letting go of worrying, holding back & feeling burdened
🌿 letting go of anger, frustration & (passive) aggression
🌿 letting go of parental, ancestral, past-life & karmic issues
🌿 letting go of intimacy issues
🌿 letting go of lack of trust
🌿 less fearful
🌿 less shame, guilt & inhibitions
🌿 more confidence
🌿 better ability to speak your truth
🌿 increased capacity to breath deeply
🌿 opening up to a more powerful voice
🌿 increased sensitivity
🌿 increased libido
🌿 better able to feel deeper pleasure in heart and body
🌿 increasing your confidence as a lover, a man or a woman
🌿 increasing your capacity to delay & enhance your orgasms
🌿 increasing your ability to feel deeply and connecting to your heart during sex
🌿 helping you become a better lover
🌿 more grounded
🌿 increased capacity to flow energy through the whole body
🌿 dramatic increase in flow of energy & Kundalini
Join Conscious Connections
A 4 week journey
One class a week
4 classes
3 hours each
12 hours total
Next Edition
6 - 27 April
Payment Options
Because Connections to other human beings are so essential for every body's physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing, we want to make Conscious Connections available for every budget!
Therefore, we will offer also a 2 or 3 time payment so that it is affordable for anyone who wants to take action on their Relationship!
Option #1
Conscious Connections
€ 430,-
Option #2
Conscious Connections
2 x €220,-
Option #3
Conscious Connections
3 x €150,-
€ 50,- Early Bird Discount when registered 2 months before start date of workshop
€ 25,- Early Bird Discount when registered 1 months before start date of workshop
€ 50,- Students / Low Income Discount
€ 30,- Bring a Couple Discount
€ 100,- when booked directly with another Online Couples Course by Wiktoria and Sebastian
✔ Life-changing tools for Self-Pleasure, Sexuality and Life
✔ Professional guided process
✔ 12 hours of Online Material
✔ Q & A included
✔ Daily contact with Wiktoria and Sebastian and the Group via Group Chat
✔ Weekly Tasks and Exercises to complete at home
✔ Recorded sessions up until 1 month after Program
✔ Integration Check In Call 1 month after the Masterclass
In a Relationship there are no Duties only Possibilities
Ready to learn and embody a Conscious Connection with your Partner?
Keep Reading and check the FAQ below or Plan a Free Exploration Call!
Meet your passionate Guides
Wiktoria and Sebastian
Ready to learn from Wiktoria & Sebastian?
Join Conscious Connections
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I cannot join all 10 coaching sessions?
All sessions will be recorded and will be made available after the session. This way you will still have access and be able to join the group process.
What if I don't want to do certain practices?
You are fully responible for your actions and the particiation in all the exercises, sharings and practices is your own free choice.
Do I have to share my experiences in the group?
No, not at all. We can learn from each other, but if you prefer to just listen and observe, that is totally fine.
Is nudity involved in this Workshop?
No, there will be no exercises involving nudity or purposely touching the genitals. But if you want to be in the nude that is fine.
Do you have a question we did not cover in the FAQ?
Plan a free exploration call with Wiktoria and Sebastian
The creators of this program do not advocate the use of any particular form of healthcare but believe that the facts, figures, and knowledge presented herein should be available to every person concerned with improving his or her state of health. Although the creators have attempted to give a profound understanding of the topics discussed and to ensure accuracy and completeness of any information that originates from any other source than their own, they assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This program is not intended to replace the advice and treatment of a physician who specializes in the treatment of diseases. Any use of the information set forth herein is entirely at the participants discretion. The creators are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the preparations or procedures described in this program.
The statements made herein are for educational and theoretical purposes only and are mainly based on the creators own opinion and theories. You should always consult with a healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or before beginning or stopping any therapy. The program creators are not intending to provide any medical advice or offer a substitute thereof, and makes no warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, with respect to any product, device, or therapy. Except as otherwise noted, no statement in this program has been reviewed or approved by European Medicines Agency, the United States Food and Drug Administration or the Federal Trade Commission. Participants should use their own judgment or consult a holistic medical expert or their personal physicians for specific applications to their individual problems.